In this month Leading Lady Newsletter, we discuss the following topics: 1) The Right Sunscreen: Cut Through the Hype and Learn What Works According to the American Cancer Society, more than 2 million people are diagnosed with skin cancer in the United States each year. There are more than 2,000 over-the-counter sunscreen formulas on the market today. How can you tell which sunscreens are the safest, most effective, and represent the best value for your money? In most cases, the answer comes down to the difference between the two types of filtering ingredients. Chemical VS Physical. 2) Cultivating a Gardening Habit: Discover the Health Benefits of Yard Work Feeling the need to exercise, clean up your diet, meditate? Want to be more creative, get out and meet people, enjoy the outdoors, and slow down? There's one activity in which you can accomplish all of these objectives: gardening. 3) The Power of Tea Tree Oil Produced in Australia from the tree M. alternifolia, tea tree oil acts as an antiseptic, fungicide, insect deterrent, and more. It has been used in Australia by aborigines for generations and, since the country's colonization, has spread to the rest of the world. Learn how it can be safely used in your day to day life.
July 2024