Raise your hand if you have ever taken a trip and had to replace entire makeup collections because you forgot yours at home. True story, I once left for a week long business trip and completely forgot all of my makeup at home. It was the first time that I was meeting my new boss. Thank goodness for GPS and Wal-Greens. How many times have you been driving to the store and end up in route to your job? Or worse, how many times have your driven right by your kiddos school or daycare simply because your mind is racing with a million different things.
Don't feel bad, I have certainly been there. In fact, ever scenario listed above I personally have experienced. But, there is light at the end of the cluttered tunnel. In this blog I share how to identify exactly how to pin point where you need to improve to organize the chaos and start taking back your life. Identifying your Time Suckers
To be more efficient you first must nail down exactly where your inefficiencies are occurring. Yes, this is the Accountant in me coming out. To get the most productivity from your life, you have to know where and how you are spending your time. Ok, don't scream. I know the thought of replaying your day through your mind is completely daunting and the urge to quit reading is creeping up. But hang in there with me, I have a simple Cheat Sheet designed help you organize your thoughts & see exactly what is eating up your time. Once you have it narrowed down, then you can attack the problem(s) and start to take back control of your space and time. Download the Cheat Sheet - Identify Your Time Suckers.
Attack & Conquer 1 of your Time Suckers
Go for the Easy Win! As you are reviewing your Cheat Sheet : Identify Your Time Suckers findings, pick 1 easy areas of improvement and take 1 week, no more - no less, to make a plan and implement the improvements. Here is an example, my Cheat Sheet found that I hold on to papers, which quickly turn into stacks of papers, which then are just moved from one spot to the next on my desk to await filing. That causes me stress, simply because I hate filing! It is just one more thing for me to do. I took 1 week to get all caught on my filing, and now that I am, I make it a point to file items as soon as I am done with them. My work space stays clear and I don't freak out when I cannot find a random sheet of paper.
Remember, if you are avoiding completing a task you are wasting time by even thinking about it. Procrastination takes efforts. Choose to put your efforts into creating a way to complete the task rather than avoiding it. In the comments, let me know what your Cheat Sheet showed you and what your attack plan is for the week.
July 2024