In this month Leading Lady Newsletter, we discuss the following topics: 1) Detox the Body, Renew the Skin. Toxins produced from stress, poor diet, fatigue, the environment, and less-than-optimum health can result in a dry, lackluster, acne-ridden, or hypersensitive complexion. If you're having difficulty stabilizing your skin, no matter how diligent the efforts to hydrate and renew, it may be time to consider another tactic: internal cleansing. 2) Health Benefits of Ginger A native root of southeast Asia, ginger isa potent ally in the treatment of nausea,motion sickness, and joint pain.Current research confirms ginger'sefficacy as an anti-inflammatory, GIcalmative, and antihistamine. Learn how to incorporate this powerful spice into your daily diet. 3) Easing Holiday Angst. You enter the holiday season with thebest of intentions -- looking forward totime spent with family and friends,decorating, shopping, baking. But assoon as you pile holiday activities on topof an already busy life, you're likely tofind yourself relating more to EbineezerScrooge than Martha Stewart. Learn 5 Stress Busters for Joyous Season. |
July 2024